Felix - "The Lesson" Part Three

I pushed my clenched hands out to his chest and pushed up against him yelling at the top of my voice, straining for him to hear me and without my translator, to understand me yet as I shouted and pleaded with him in the moment…at the distance my colleagues grew concerned for the growing throng that surrounded me but so far it felt okay.

“I mean you’ve got all of the treasure now Felix”...all of the candy – here take it all!!…all of the multi coloured starbust dreams and so you’re the king now….you decide now who gets to eat and who goes home with an empty stomach…!!

Holding my hand up my fingers counted out his options as the “New King” in town.

1. You eat all of the candy yourself keeping your own world fat and happy!
2. You share the 10 pieces you have with your closest friends and just push the rest away by turning your back on them
3. You line everyone up for a bit of fun and a game to let them put their life of hardship on pause…and you throw it into the sky for all to have a chance at the starbust memory and you throw it all towards the sea and watch them run and push and shove each other with squeals of laughter and tears trying to get their hands on a piece of the prize just like children everywhere

So what do you want to do Felix…its all your decision now man…whatch gonna do!??

Not quite what he expected me to do …even defiant, Felix was hopeful that he could maybe do something impossible. He wanted to give a piece of candy to every child standing and jockeying for position in the dust…pushing and shoving, Felix was soon overwhelmed and was being swayed back and forth with the movement of the children’s desire, the candy high up on his chest and I stood back a few feet and watched, myself hopeful that the object lesson I just created on the fly wouldn’t backfire and end up hitting me along side the head in some way that I’d regret…

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