Turkana 2 - "...young tribal leader"

This young girl, now a young woman, represents the future of her tribe - a young leader she will help to usher in new ideas for better healthcare,
new methods of drought resistant farming and will share in a strategy that will preserve the remaining forests, harvest rainwater and create new ways
to reduce fuel consumption to help aid in the survival of the tribe. The elders, the "old men", the leaders make it difficult for change to take place. It
can be the best culturally sensitive idea yet if the tribal leaders don't want it or don't agree, it will never happen. Real change from within, from it's
young men and young women, will need to be patient until the generation changes hands and with this the leadership of the tribe. Only then will
it's youth, with fresh ideas and dreams for it's future, be able to gently break from tradition - choosing a different path...to help the tribe survive.

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